
Bibliography: Voter Registration

Adona, Natalie, Paul Gronke, Paul Manson, and Sarah Cole. 2019. “Stewards of Democracy: The Views of American Local Election Officials”. Technical report, Democracy Fund.

Alvarez, R. Michael, Nicholas Adams-Cohen, Seo-young Silvia Kim, and Yimeng Li. 2020. Securing American Elections: How Data-Driven Election Monitoring Can Improve Our Democracy. Cambridge University Press.

Ansolabehere, Stephen and Eitan Hersh. 2010. “The Quality of Voter Registration Records: A State-by-State Analysis”.

Ansolabehere, Stephen, Eitan Hersh, Alan Gerber, and David Doherty. 2010. “Voter Registration List Quality Pilot Studies: Report on Methodology”. Technical report, The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Ansolabehere, Stephen, Eitan Hersh, and Kenneth Shepsle. 2012. “Movers, Stayers, and Registration: Why Age is Correlated with Registration in the U.S.”. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 7 (4): 333–363.

Association for Computing Machinery. 2006. “Statewide Databases of Registered Voters: Study of Accuracy, Privacy, Usability, Security, and Reliability Issues Commissioned by the U.S. Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery”. Technical report. 

Barreto, Matt A, Bonnie Glaser, Karin Mac Donald, Loren Collingwood, Francisco Pedraza, and Barry Pump. 2010. “Online Voter Registration (OLVR) Systems in Arizona and Washington: Evaluating Usage, Public Confidence and Implementation Processes”. Washington Institute of the Study of Ethnicity and Race (University of Washington) and the Election Administration Research Center (University of California, Berkeley).

Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. 2018. “The State and Local Election Cybersecurity Playbook”. Technical report. 

Bennion, Elizabeth and David Nickerson. 2014. “Cheap, But Still Not Effective: An Experiment Showing that Indiana’s Online Registration System Fails to Make Email an Effective Way to Register New Voters”. The Indiana Journal of Political Science 14 : 39–51.30

Bennion, Elizabeth A. and David W. Nickerson. 2022. “Decreasing Hurdles and Increasing Registration Rates for College Students: An Online Voter Registration Systems Field Experiment”. Political Behavior 44 (3): 1337–1358.

Brennan Center for Justice. 2017. “VRM in the States: Portability”.

Brians, Craig Leonard and Bernard Grofman. 2001. “Election Day Registration’s Effect on U.S. Voter Turnout”. Social Science Quarterly 82 (1): 170–183.

Bryant, Lisa A, Michael J Hanmer, Alauna C Safarpour, and Jared McDonald. 2020. “The Power of the State: How Postcards from the State Increased Registration and Turnout in Pennsylvania”. Political Behavior: 1–15.

Burden, Barry C., David T. Canon, Kenneth R. Mayer, and Donald P. Moynihan. 2014. “Election Laws, Mobilization, and Turnout: The Unanticipated Consequences of Election Reform”. American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 95–109.

Burden, Barry C., David T. Canon, and Kenneth R. Mayer AND=Donald P. Moynihan. 2009. “The Effects and Costs of Early Voting, Election Day Registration, and Same Day Registration in the 2008 Elections”.

Cao, Jian, Seo-young Silvia Kim, and R. Michael Alvarez. 2022. “Bayesian Analysis of State Voter Registration Database Integrity”. Statistics, Politics and Policy 13 (1): 19–40.

Center for Election Innovation & Research (CEIR). 2023. “Voter Registration Database Security in 2022”. Technical report.

Cook, Meghan and Jeffrey Baez. 2021, June. “Informing a Statewide Investment: The NYS Voter Registration Data Pattern Detection Prototype Project”. In DG.O2021: The 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, DG.O’21, New York, NY, USA, pp. 60–66. Association for Computing Machinery.

Creek, Heather and Kyle Ueyama. 2017. “Why Are Millions of Citizens Not Registered to Vote?”. Technical report, Pew Charitable Trusts.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). 2021. “Securing Voter Registration Data”.

Danetz, Lisa J. 2021. “Motor Vehicle Departments:”. Technical report, Democracy Fund.

Doleac, Jennifer, Laurel Eckhouse, Eric Foster-Moore, Allison Harris, Hannah Walker, and Ariel White. 2023. “Registering Returning Citizens to Vote”. Technical report, IZA Institute of Labor Economics DP No. 15121.

Election Assistance Commission. 2005. “Voluntary Guidance on Implementation of Statewide Voter Registration Lists”. Technical report.

Elections & Voting Information Center. 2022. “2022 Local Election Official Survey Codebook”.,_Voter_Confidence 

Enamorado, Ted, Benjamin Fifield, and Kosuke Imai. 2019. “Using a Probabilistic Model to Assist Merging of Large-Scale Administrative Records”. American Political Science Review 113 (2): 353–371.

Ewald, Alec C. 2009. The Way We Vote: The Local Dimension of American Suffrage. Vanderbilt University Press.

Fenster, Mark J. 1994. “The Impact of Allowing Day of Registration Voting On Turnout in U.S. Elections From 1960 To 1992: A Research Note”. American Politics Quarterly 22 (1): 74–87.

Foley, Edward B. 2005. “The Promise and Problems of Provisional voting”. Georege Washington Law Review 73 : 1193—-1205.

Fordham, Rachel Funk. 2022. “Automatic Voter Registration Report”. Technical report, Data for Progress.

Fowler, Anthony. 2017. “Does Voter Preregistration Increase Youth Participation?”. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 16 (4): 485–494.

Garnett, Holly Ann. 2022. “Registration Innovation: The Impact of Online Registration and Automatic Voter Registration in the United States”. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 21 (1): 34–45.

Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Marc Meredith, Daniel R. Biggers, and David J. Hendry. 2015. “Can Incarcerated Felons Be (Re)integrated into the Political System? Results from a Field Experiment”. American Journal of Political Science 59 (4): 912–926.

Gimpel, James G., Joshua J. Dyck, and Daron R. Shaw. 2007. “Election-Year Stimuli and the Timing of Voter Registration”. Party Politics 13 (3): 351–374.

Goel, Sharad, Marc Meredith, Michael Morse, David Rothschild, and Houshmand Shirani-Mehr. 2020. “One Person, One Vote: Estimating the Prevalence of Double Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections”. American Political Science Review 114 (2): 456–469.

Griffin, Robert, Paul Gronke, Tova Wang, and Liz Kennedy. 2017. “Who Votes With Automatic Voter Registration?”. Technical report, Center for American Progress.

Grimmer, Justin, Andrew B. Hall, and Daniel M. Thompson. 2021. “Evaluating Look Ahead America’s Georgia Report on Illegal, Out-of-State Voting in the 2020 Election”. 

Grimmer, Justin, Michael C. Herron, and Matthew Tyler. 2023. “Evaluating a New Generation of Expansive Claims about Vote Manipulation”.

Grimmer, Justin and Jonathan Rodden. 2022. “Changing the Default: The Impact of Motor-Voter Reform in Colorado”.

Gronke, Paul, Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum, and Peter A Miller. 2007. “Early Voting and Turnout”. PS: Political Science & Politics 40 (4): 639–645.

Grumbach, Jacob M. and Charlotte Hill. 2022. “Rock the Registration: Same Day Registration Increases Turnout of Young Voters”. The Journal of Politics 84 (1). 

Hanmer, Michael J. 2009. Discount Voting: Voter Registration Reforms and their Effects. Cambridge University Press.

Herron, Michael C. and Daniel A. Smith. 2018. “Estimating the Differential Effects of Purging Inactive Registered Voters”.

Hess, Douglas R. 2023. “Using Medicaid Automatic Voter Registration to Address Persistent Voter Registration Problems: Helping the National Voter Registration Act Achieve its Potential”.

Hess, Douglas R., Michael J. Hanmer, and David W. Nickerson. 2016. “Encouraging Local Compliance with Federal Civil Rights Laws: Field Experiments| with the National Voter Registration Act”. Public Administration Review 76 (1): 165–174.

Highton, Benjamin and Raymond E. Wolfinger. 1998. “Estimating the Effects of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993”. Political Behavior 20 (2): 79–104.

Highton, Benjamin and Raymond E. Wolfinger. 2001. “The First Seven Years of the Political Life Cycle”. American Journal of Political Science 45 (1): 202.

Holbein, John B and D. Sunshine Hillygus. 2016. “Making Young Voters: The Impact of Preregistration on Youth Turnout”. American Journal of Political Science 60 (2): 364–382.

Holbein, John B. and D. Sunshine Hillygus. 2017. “Erratum to Making Young Voters: The Impact of Preregistration on Youth Turnout”. American Journal of Political Science 61 (2): 505–507.

Holbein, John B. and D. Sunshine Hillygus. 2020. Making Young Voters: Converting Civic Attitudes into Civic Action. Cambridge University Press.

Huber, Gregory A, Marc Meredith, Michael Morse, and Katie Steele. 2021. “The Racial Burden of Voter List Maintenance Errors: Evidence from Wisconsin’s Supplemental Movers Poll Books”. Science Advances 7 (8): eabe4498.

Hubler, Katy Owens. 2019. “Speaking a Common Language: How Common Data Format Helps Elections Officials”.

Imai, Kosuke. 2011, September. “Introduction to the Virtual Issue: Past and Future Research Agenda on Causal Inference”. Political Analysis 19 (V2): 1–4. Publisher: Cambridge University Press.

Jackman, Simon and Bradley Spahn. 2021. “Politically Invisible in America”. PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (4): 623–629.

Kasdan, Diana. 2012. “State Restrictions on Voter Registration Drives”.

Keele, Luke andWilliam Minozzi. 2013. “How Much Is Minnesota Like Wisconsin? Assumptions and Counterfactuals in Causal Inference with Observational Data”. Political Analysis 21 (2): 193–216.

Kim, Seo-young Silvia. 2023. “Automatic Voter Reregistration as a Housewarming Gift: Quantifying Causal Effects on Turnout Using Movers”. American Political Science Review 117 (3): 1137–1144.

Kim, Seo-young Silvia and Bernard Fraga. 2022. “When Do Voter Files Accurately Measure Turnout? How Transitory Voter File Snapshots Impact Research and Representation”.

Kim, Seo-young Silvia, Spencer Schneider, and R. Michael Alvarez. 2020. “Evaluating the Quality of Changes in Voter Registration Databases”. American Politics Research 48 (6): 670–676.

Knack, Stephen and James White. 2000. “Election-Day Registration and Turnout Inequality”. Political Behavior 22 (1): 29–44.

Lai, Jonathan. 2019. “Extending Pennsylvania’s Voter Registration Deadline in 2020 Could Disenfranchise People, Election Officials Warn”. The Philadelphia Inquirer (October 29).

Larocca, Roger and John S. Klemanski. 2011. “U.S. State Election Reform and Turnout in Presidential Elections”. State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11 (1): 76–101.

Leighley, Jan E. and Jonathan Nagler. 2013. Who Votes Now?: Demographics, Issues, Inequality, and Turnout in the United States. Princeton University Press.

Maluk, Holly, Myrna P.rez, and Lucy Zhou. 2015. “Voter Registration in a Digital Age: 2015 Update”. Technical report, Brennan Center for Justice.

Mann, Christopher B and Lisa A Bryant. 2020. “If You Ask, They Will Come (to Register and Vote): Field Experiments with State Election Agencies on Encouraging Voter Registration”. Electoral Studies 63 : 102021.

McDonald, Michael P. 2008. “Portable Voter Registration”. Political Behavior 30 (4): 491–501.

McDonald, Michael P. and Justin Levitt. 2008. “Seeing Double Voting: An Extension of the Birthday Problem”. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 7 (2): 111–122.

McDonald, Michael P. and Matthew Thornburg. 2010. “Registering the Youth Through Voter Preregistration”. New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 13 : 551.

McGhee, Eric, Charlotte Hill, and Mindy Romero. 2021, September. “The Registration and Turnout Effects of Automatic Voter Registration”.

Meredith, Marc and Michael Morse. 2014. “Do Voting Rights Notification Laws Increase Ex-Felon Turnout?”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 651 (1): 220–=249.

Meredith, Marc and Michael Morse. 2015. “The Politics of the Restoration of Ex-Felon Voting Rights: The Case of Iowa”. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 10 (1): 41–100.

Meredith, Marc and Michael Morse. 2017. “Discretionary Disenfranchisement: The Case of Legal Financial Obligations”. The Journal of Legal Studies 46 (2): 309–338.

Merivaki, Thessalia. 2020a. The Administration of Voter Registration: Expanding the Electorate Across and Within the States. Springer Nature.

Merivaki, Thessalia. 2020b. ““Our Voter Rolls are Cleaner than Yours”: Balancing Access and Integrity in Voter List Maintenance”. American Politics Research 48 (5): 560–570.

Mitchell, Amy, Mark Jurkowitz, J. Baxter Oliphant, and Elisa Shearer. 2020, September. “Political Divides, Conspiracy Theories and Divergent News Sources Heading Into 2020 Election”. Technical report. 

MITRE. 2019. “Recommended Security Controls for Voter Registration Systems”. Technical report.

Morley, Michael T. 2016. “Dismantling the Unitary Electoral System-Uncooperative Federalism in State and Local Elections”. Northwestern University Law Review Online 111 : 103.

Morris, Kevin and Peter Dunphy. 2019. “AVR Impact on State Voter Registration”. Technical report, Brennan Center for Justice.

Morse, Michael. 2021. “The Future of Felon Disenfranchisement Reform: Evidence from the Campaign to Restore Voting Rights in Florida”. California Law Review 109 : 1143–1197.

Morse, Michael. forthcoming 2023. “Demcoracy’s Bureaucracy: The Complicated Case of Voter Registration Lists”. Boston University Law Review.

Mortellaro, Stephen and Michelle Kanter Cohen. 2014. “Restricting Voter Registration Drives”.

Nagler, Jonathan. 1991. “The Effect of Registration Laws and Education on U.S. Voter Turnout”.

The American Political Science Review 85 (4): 1393. Num Pages: 13 Place: Washington, United Kingdom Publisher: Cambridge University Press.

Naifeh, Stuart. 2015. “Driving the Vote: Are States Complying with the Motor Voter Requirements of the National Voter Registration Act?”. Technical report.

Naifeh, Stuart. 2021. “Keeping Pace with Motor Voter: A Motor Vehicle Agency Guide for Implementing Effective Motor-Voter Programs”.

National Association of Secretaries of State. 2017. “Nass Report: Maintenance of State Voter Registration Lists”. Technical report.

National Conference of State Legislatures. 2023a. “Preregistration for Young Voters”. 

National Conference of State Legislatures. 2023b. “Provisional Ballots”. 

National Conference of State Legislatures. 2023c. “Same Day Voter Registration”. 

National Conference of State Legislatures. 2023d. “Voter Registration Deadlines”. 

National Conference of State Legislatures. 2023e. “Voter Registration List Maintenance”. 

National Research Council. 2010. Improving State Voter Registration Databases: Final Report. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Pages: 12788.

Nickerson, David W. 2015. “Do Voter Registration Drives Increase Participation? for Whom and When?”. The Journal of Politics 77 (1): 88–101.

Palarino, Justin V, James K Pugh, and Brian McKenzie. 2023. “Fewer People Reported Moving in Previous Year in 2021 Than in 2019”. Technical report, United States Census Bureau.

Pettigrew, Stephen and Charles Stewart III. 2017. “Moved Out, Moved On: Assessing the Effectiveness of Voter Registration List Maintenance”.

Powers, Elia, Susan Moeller, and Yacong Yuan. 2016. “Political Engagement during a Presidential Election Year: A Case Study of Media Literacy Students”. Journal of Media Literacy Education 8 (1): 1–14.

Presidential Commission on Election Administration. 2014. “The American Voting Experience: Report and Recommendations of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration”. Technical report.

Rhine, Staci L. 1995. “Registration Reform and Turnout Change in the American States”. American Politics Quarterly 23 (4): 409–426.

Rosenstone, Steven J. and Raymond E. Wolfinger. 1978. “The Effect of Registration Laws on Voter Turnout”. American Political Science Review 72 (1): 22–45.

Royston, Sam, Ben Greenberg, Omeed Tavasoli, and Courtenay Cotton. 2021, June. “Anomaly Detection and Automated Labeling for Voter Registration File Changes”. arXiv:2106.15285 [cs, stat].

Shaw, Daron, Stephen Ansolabehere, and Charles Stewart. 2015. “A Brief Yet Practical Guide to Reforming U.S. Voter Registration Systems”. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 14 (1): 26–31.

Shineman, Victoria. 2020. “Restoring Voting Rights: Evidence that Reversing Felony Disenfranchisement Increases Political Efficacy”. Policy Studies 41 (2-3): 131–150.

Shino, Enrijeta, Michael D. Martinez, Michael P. McDonald, and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Verifying Voter Registration Records”. American Politics Research 48 (6): 677–681.

Shino, Enrijeta, Daniel A. Smith, and LaRaven Temoney. 2023. “The Effects of Election Administration Changes on Voters of Color in Florida”. Journal of Election Administration Research & Practice, 1 (2): 38–54.

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