
We are thrilled to be providing research grants to 18 research teams around the country. These grants, totaling nearly $2 million altogether, will enable the teams to spend most of the next year illuminating how the election administration landscape has changed in recent years. The research will provide both new scientific insights and practical guidance for election administrators around the country.

Read more about the grants


There are 18 projects that will be funded as part of this project, which is supported by the Election Trust Initiative. Each of these projects will add to the growing body of research that can be used to improve elections. Find basic information about the projects below, or read the more detailed summaries on our announcement page. 

Research Teams

Susan Athey, Thomas Cao, and Herman Donner

Voter Confidence and Electoral Participation


Lonna Atkeson, Wendy L. Hansen, and Lisa Bryant

New Mexico and Florida: Election Audits and Election Studies


Justin de Benedictis-Kessner, Jose Altamirano, Austin Boral, and Madeleine Smith

Civic Roundtable: Retaining Election Officials In A Time Of Uncertainty


Paul Gronke and Paul Manson

The Local Election Official Survey Program: Supporting and Advancing a Scientific and Community Resource to Understand the Evolving Role of Local Election Administrators


Trey Hood

Gauging the Effects of SB 202 on Non-Precinct Voting in Georgia


Seo-young Silvia Kim, Bernard Fraga, and Daron Shaw

Leveraging Historical Voter Files as Accurate Measures of Who Votes: Analyzing and Disseminating Voter File Data to Enhance Understanding of Elections


David Kimball, Anita Manion, and Lisa Bryant

Comparative Research on the Implementation of Vote Centers


Thad Kousser, Mindy Romero, Seth Hill, Judd Choate, Jesse A. Harris, Keith Ingram, and Courtney Bailey

A Research Practice Partnership to Chart Voter Experiences and Test Best Practices for Building Trust in Elections


Christopher B Mann and Kathleen Searles

Understanding Election Administration News Coverage and its Effects on Political Attitudes


Thessalia Merivaki and Mara Suttman-Lea

Combatting Misinformation and Building Trust in Elections: Assessing Election Official Communications During the 2020 Election Cycle


Brendan Nyhan, John Carey, Brian Fogarty, and Jason Reifler

The Effect of Voter and Election Fraud Misperceptions on U.S. Election Legitimacy


Stephanie Puello

At the Confluence of Restoration and Mobilization: Examining the Feedback Effects of Citizen Re-Enfranchisement and the Role of the State in Democratic Stewardship


Jason M. Roberts and Michael Greenberger

Election Worker Recruitment and Retention in North Carolina


Mindy Romero and Paul Gronke

A Proposal for the Evolving Election Administration Landscape Program of the MIT Election  Data and Science Lab


Robert Stein and Barry Burden

The Front Lines of Elections: Poll Workers in the New Election Administration Environment


Wendy Underhill, Kathleen Hale, and Mitchell Brown

The Evolution of Absentee/Mail Voting Laws, 2020 to the Present


Matthew Weil, Katie Harbath, Rachel Orey, Collier Fernekes, Michael Wagner, and Mara Suttmann-Lea

Whom Can I Trust? Exploring the American Public's Sources of Election Information


Cameron Wimpy and William P. McLean

Exploring Rural Election Administration: With Special Attention to the Mississippi River Delta
